August 11, 2012

And The Reason Is You...

Asslamualaikum lovelies!
How's you weekend so far?Baju raya dah siap beli? Mine is just a slow weekend (so far). Going to Sunway Pyramid afterward untuk berbuka puasa dengan Amer dan Naddia, setelah plan yang lagi satu gagal dilancarkan. :( Baju raya tak beli lagi. Tapi Thaqif punya dah. Hehe... Baju raya i pakai je apa yang ada. Simple. (my husband should be proud of me ;P, kan sayang kan? )

Anyway, i have an extremely great news (well, at least to me it is. hehe) to share with you here. Been sharing this good news on Twitter and Instagram already. So, a few of you might already know about this :) 


                                                                   12 weeks! (3 months)

This is the reason why i'm kinda not in the mood to blog, the reason why im not feeling really well, the reason why i could not give a 100% commitment taking care of my mother. This is the reason. My morning sickness was a monster i tell you. But now dah okay sikit lah. Still throwing up, tak boleh bau2 lagi. Seksa. Tak sabar betul nak tunggu bulan February tahun depan. My EDD is going to be on February 15th 2013. The very same month with my BIRTHDAY & WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! (koyak lah poket K on February :P)

Been contemplating actually about having another baby. Kejap i nak gap 4 years. Kejap i nak gap 2 years. Kejap i nak tunggu dulu. Kejap i rasa nak cepat. But all I know i want to have 2 kids before i reach 30. So dengan izinNya....terjadilah.

Seriously its not easy at first 2 months. Thaqif dah lah memang sedia ada manja to the max, bila i pregnant laaaaaaggggiiiiiiii manja. Tak boleh langsung berenggang. Tambah pulak dengan my mom tiba2 jatuh sakit. Kene duduk hospital lama pulak tu. So masa kat hospital pon termuntah2, tak larat. Nak jaga Mama, Thaqif and my little hot bun in the oven. Dugaan. But Alhamdulillah, semua tu dapat diatasi dengan sokong semua ahli keluarga. I can't thank them enough. Especially my husband, Fuzy, my dad, my mom and Amer. My in laws pon bagi sokongan. :')  My mom in law memang sangat paham keadaan morning sickness i. Sebab dia dulu lagi teruk sampai takleh bangun. 

Hopefully this sickness will go away after my first trimester. I wanna enjoy this pregnancy. Masa pregnant kat Thaqif tak dapat nak enjoy sangat. Sama teruk jugak. Masa tu lagi lah, sampai 9 bulan tengah tunggu kat dalam labour room pun dok termuntah lagi. Memang seksa, MashaAllah.

Baby bump is already visible. Yikes! (that's because of the flabbiness of tummy. LOL. kantoi)

Buka puasa with Fuzy and Pja. Was craving for Manhattan Fish Market. Tapi full! So Dave's Deli aje.

Surprise tak? Terkejut tak? Hehehe...Okaylah. Nak mandi nak siap-siap. Selamat berbuka semua!
Have a great weekend ahead!



  1. Ha Ha Ha..Congrats Farra!!Alhamdulillah..rezki Allah:) x expect lgsung..u r ready when u r ready mmg ko dah ready la..weee bestnyer weh...yes..aku pun target before 30 at least i have two lepas tu kalau rase2 bdn da lemah&mls boleh la tutup sorang tak cukupppp:)

    nway..congrats again..take a good care of urself:)

    1. Alhamdulillah. thanks bet! u know what they say, time waits for nobody. sekarang tak saba nak tunggu bulan februray 2013 pulak. insyaAllah lepas ni close shop lah kot. unless kalau tibe2 Allah nak bagi K jadi millionaire. lol.

      thanks bet! ♥

  2. I kinda knew it! : ) Instinct I kuat giler! Alhamdulillah Syukur! I pray for your your health Farra! :) Let's secretly wish for a girl! Hehee anyhow, mana2 pon okay ...but :) .... Congratulations to you and K! And QifQif is going to be a big baby brother!!!!

    1. thank you putri!!!! :D i dont know how, but i kinda knew it that u know. haha...u mmg instinct kuat. terel gila! yes lets secretly wih for a girl. a girl like Ramona.

      yup mana2 pon tak kisah. asalkan sihat sempurna. itu yang paling penting.

      thanks putri!!♥

  3. Accidentally landed on ur blog (the previous one) while googling yesterday.. i dunno why i'm stuck to read all the entries.. I like the way u write.. narrative.. =)
    keep on writing

  4. hi farra, congrats! actually bumped into u & family kat SSF last Friday tapi tak sempat nak say hi..hope your pregnancy goes well..amin..

    1. hi yang! yeke? mashaAllah. napa tak tegur je?? I selekeh gila kot time tu. gagahkan diri pegi ssf sebelum habis sale. lol.

      thanks for ur wishes. next time say hi je kalau terserempak ;)


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