March 25, 2011

The FPP (Full Paying Patient) Scheme Hospital Putrajaya

Here's a little details regarding the FPP Scheme in Putrajaya Hospital.

*click on the image to enlarge*

i will update more on this. from my first check up there until my labour. stay tuned for more updates and happy weekend. oh! don't forget to contribute for Earth Hour tomorrow night 26th March 8.30 til 9.30   ;)



  1. hye mrs k.

    i was googling about private hosp to deliver and found your blog. do you mind to share how much you spent at hosp putrajaya for this scheme?

    thanks. :)

  2. hey alia thanks for dropping by. here is some info about the total amount we've spent

    seriously it's worth it. :) how far along are you now? i hope it'll help you to make your decision. i know how hard it is to make the right choice. trust me, been there, done that.

  3. thanks a lot. it helps a lot esp for first timer like me. hehe. i baru 3 months. when i google for private hosp i found ur blog. never think to try hosp putrajaya though im staying in putrajaya. hehe

    1. yeah..tak ramai yang tau about this. i bet you've given birth already by the the im replying this. hehehe...


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